Youth Group Activities & Meetings:
Youth Led Worship Service
Sunday, October 6
9:00 - 10:00 am
Support the youth as they prepare & share a special worship service with you.
Youth Group Meeting
Sunday, October 13
10:30 am - Noon
Youth group meetings are for students in 7th grade through high school & are for the youth to plan fun activities & volunteer experiences. Everyone is welcome!
Care Packages
Sunday, October 13
10:30 am – Noon
After our October youth group meeting, we’ll be packing boxes for our college/tech-school/ working after high school youth. We’ll pack up some of their favorite snacks/treats & write encouraging notes to remind them that we’re thinking about & praying for them.
Escape Room
Sunday, November 10
10:30 am - 1:45 pm
After our November youth group meeting, we’ll be ordering Dominos, then going to the Escape Room at 12:20 pm. Parent pick up will be at 1:45 pm at church. The cost per person is $15 for Domino's pizza & the Escape room & can be paid on the day of the activity. Click on the link below to sign up! Everyone is welcome!
Confirmation Class:
Every Other Sunday at 10:30 am (Sept - May)
Led by Pastor Christine & Mary Ann Proffitt
Confirmation is a 2-year class that meets every other Sunday (rotating with Youth Group) in the Youth Room for students roughly age 12-14 / 7th-8th grade. This is the next step in their Christian education. During this time, the students continue their faith journey by becoming more familiar with the Bible & the stories that it contains. They are developing a more personalized relationship with God & start investigating their own beliefs. This is done through confirmation class time, completing sermon worksheets, attending our Trailblazer class & youth group meetings & activities.
Confirmation is a spiritual, sacred & permanent sign that marks the Christian as a witness of Christ through the action of the Holy Spirit.
Click here for a detailed list of required work.
Congratulations to our 2024 Confirmands:
Cooper, Ava & Jordan
Trailblazers Class:
Every Other Sunday at 9 am in Youth Room (Sept - May)
Led by Christopher F & Gabby P
We use an interactive, timely & biblically based curriculum for our students, grades 7th through high school. We meet every other Sunday during the worship service to discuss relevant faith & life issues. Hope you’ll join us for some fun & faith!