Afternoon Bible Study:

Mondays at 1 pm

upstairs in Room #203


Join Pastor Christine every Monday afternoon as we read through The Gospel According to Matthew. Everyone is welcome! No pre-reading required. Bring a Bible if you have one & if not, we have one you can use.


Evening Bible Study

Tuesdays via Zoom

7 to 8:30 pm


There’s still time to join our 7-week study on “Esther - Daring Faith for Such a Time as This”. In this study, Kelly Minter invites you into the daring faith modeled by Esther & her cousin Mordecai—a faith rooted in the goodness of God, lived out through extraordinary circumstances & used to change the world. Although our time looks different from Esther’s, our God is just as active & faithful today & He has called you for such a time as this. We’d love for you to join us so please sign up at the welcome table! Let Mary Ann know if you have any questions or need a study guide!  

Men's Breakfast

Saturday, February 22

9 - 11 am at church


A great opportunity for the men in our church family & community to meet & develop friendships, enjoy breakfast & fellowship & encourage each other in their spiritual walk. Invite a friend & please sign up at the welcome table.


And they were talking with each other about all these things which had taken place. While they were talking & discussing, Jesus Himself approached & began traveling with them.  -Luke 24:14-15

Helpful information for Christian seniors in our community:

For many Christian seniors, finding a senior care facility & community that understands their faith & provides an environment consistent with their values is essential. Click this link for a free guide that includes details on commonly provided services, resident expectations & financial resources. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information & support as they care for aging parents, spouses & other loved ones. They've been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center & Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies & organizations across the Internet. 

Check out the Ultimate Guide to Government Aid for Seniors which provides insights into available programs, eligibility criteria & application processes that could help you receive essential financial support.