We’re always looking for new people to join a serving team to lighten the load of those that have long been committed to one or more of the teams. Please prayerfully consider becoming an Usher, Greeter, Soundboard Tech* or Liturgist & let the office know of your interest. Commitment is roughly once a month or less & can be worked around your schedule. Thanks for your consideration. *Training required
Serving Team Schedule
Thank you all for your faithful commitment to our serving teams. We couldn’t do it without you. Below are the assigned servers for the next couple months. Please make sure your calendar is marked with the dates you're scheduled for. Should you need to make a switch, please arrange to do so with another server or a sub & let the office know of the change as soon as possible. Thanks!
Serving date requests are due by the first Sunday of the month preceding the upcoming quarter:
March 2, 2025, for 2nd quarter 2025; June 1, 2025, for 3rd quarter 2025;
September 7, 2025, for 4th quarter; December 7, 2025, for 1st quarter 2026;