Our Community Outreach Committee proudly supports & works with these organizations & more . . .
How will you give of your time, talents & treasures?
Looking to get involved in a way you never have before? Prayerfully consider joining the Community Outreach Committee to help a little or a lot depending on what your schedule allows!! Grab a friend & join us. We believe that our faith should make a difference in our lives & the world in which we live. Our members & friends venture into Waukesha & beyond, through our involvement in a wide variety of volunteer opportunities.
Hope Center Meal Serving Opportunity • 101 W Broadway Waukesha • Sunday, October 13 • 1:45-3:15 pm
Adult & youth volunteers needed to serve & donate cakes & milk. Sign-up at the Welcome Table. For questions, email Toni here or call 262-892-9020