Helpful information for Christian seniors in our community:

For many Christian seniors, finding a senior care facility & community that understands their faith & provides an environment consistent with their values is essential. Click here for a free guide of commonly provided services, resident expectations & financial resources. is a leading senior care resource for family caregivers seeking information & support as they care for aging parents, spouses & other loved ones. They've been featured by AARP, The Administration for Community Living, The National Legal Resource Center & Forbes, as well as referenced by many governmental agencies & organizations across the Internet. 

Also check out the Ultimate Guide to Government Aid for Seniors which provides insights into available programs, eligibility criteria & application processes that could help you receive essential financial support. 

Life Line Health Screening

Saturday, June 22

Here at E & R Church

By appointment


You, your family, friends & neighbors are encouraged to make a personal appointment to get a Life Line Health Screening. There are three ways to register & receive a special discount, please see flyer, below.


Life Line will be here to offer screening that goes beyond regular checkups to provide a more thorough look at your health. Adults 50+ & those 40 & older with one or more risk factors for cardiovascular disease should be screened.