What a wonderful Celebration Sunday! There were so many fun games & yummy snacks too! I hope everyone enjoyed the morning fun! The Sunday school kids had a great time upstairs playing Bible Bingo & then came downstairs for some more fun & games with the rest of the congregation! What a great way to “kick off” the Sunday school season! A HUGE thank you to Greg Proffitt for helping bring up the games & decorating! He’s awesome! Also, a huge thank you to CJ, Camryn & Calleigh Skorno, Alexis & Brendan Juno & Gabby Proffitt for helping run games & the concession stand!  


Now that we have “kicked off” the Sunday school season in such an exciting way, it is time to have some more fun every Sunday!!! In September, we’ll be studying the story of Esther & in October, the Fiery Furnace with Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego. We’ll be learning about these stories through games, art, cooking & so much more!  


Preschoolers/Kindergarteners will start out the year learning about Abraham, Sarah & Isaac & how faith involves both trust & action & that sometimes we need to have patience & wait on God. In October, they’ll learn about Rebekah & Joseph & how God likes it when we help others, how God is always with us & how important forgiveness is. They’ll learn through music, storytelling, games, art projects & prayer.   


As many of you know, our Sunday school likes to do 3 missions a year, a local, a nationwide & a world mission to learn how even the littlest ones can make a difference! Our first this year (local) will be for the Humane Animal Welfare Society of Waukesha County (HAWS). We’ll be raising money to buy dog & cat treats for the animals there. For every dollar that your student brings in, they can put a paw print or a dog bone on our wall. Let’s see how many we can get on our wall!! This is a great time to talk to your kids about giving back to the community!