Prayer Warriors:
Anyone actively participating in church is encouraged to join our prayer warrior team. There are no meetings. You receive prayer requests via email & are asked to pray daily for those requests. You can pray in the shower, while getting ready for work, on your lunch break, before bed . . . anywhere is a good place to pray. God listens & hears every prayer. Feel free to contact the church office to join this ministry team.
How can we pray for you?
You can share as much or as little information as you feel comfortable. God already knows the details. Asking for prayer is not asking for help. It is relying on God’s strength, guidance, wisdom & power to get you through. Allow our team to be the hands & feet of Jesus when you need it most. Our team is here to support you during the trials & tribulations of everyday life.
If you or someone close to you is in need of prayer, please feel free to call or message the church office at or share the prayer request with anyone from our current prayer warrior team: Sandy Anderson-Payne, Julie Bessler, Sue Giese, Mary Kopp, Pat Kruse, Mary Ann Proffitt, Laurie Theama, Wendy Wagner, Bobbie & Dick Werning & Pastor Christine Wilke.